Monday, December 10, 2012

db2 list tablespaces show detail隐藏功能

在一次表分区清理的过程中碰到了这样一个问题。当我将已经不需要使用的多个表分区deatch后直接删除掉。这时候使用快照查看表空间free pages时发现没有变化。后来经过同事的建议用list tablespaces show detail试试看。结果执行list tablespaces show detail后发现表空间的free pages得到释放。


List tablespaces show detail当前表空间的情况:
Tablespace ID = 2
Name = ABC_TBSP1
Type = Database managed space
Contents = All permanent data. Large table space.
State = 0x0000
Detailed explanation:
Total pages = 5242880
Useable pages = 5242848
Used pages = 889920
Free pages = 4352928
High water mark (pages) = 1122432
Page size (bytes) = 4096

Get snapshot for tablespace当前表空间情况:
Tablespace name = ABC_TBSP1
Tablespace ID = 2
Tablespace Type = Database managed space
Tablespace Content Type = All permanent data. Large table space.
Tablespace Page size (bytes) = 4096
Tablespace Extent size (pages) = 32
Automatic Prefetch size enabled = Yes
Buffer pool ID currently in use = 1
Buffer pool ID next startup = 1
Using automatic storage = No
Auto-resize enabled = No
File system caching = No
Tablespace State = 0x'00000000'
Detailed explanation:
Tablespace Prefetch size (pages) = 32
Total number of pages = 5242880
Number of usable pages = 5242848
Number of used pages = 889920
Number of pending free pages = 0
Number of free pages = 4352928
High water mark (pages) = 1122432

从上面可以看出当前表空间的free pages都为4352928,下面进行表的删除操作。因为没有进行记录可以简单说明下。删除表tb1,该表存放在表空间abc_tbsp1中,有29137 pages。直接执行drop table tb1

删除后查看get snapshot for tablespaces
Tablespace name = ABC_TBSP1
Tablespace ID = 2
Tablespace Type = Database managed space
Tablespace Content Type = All permanent data. Large table space.
Tablespace Page size (bytes) = 4096
Tablespace Extent size (pages) = 32
Automatic Prefetch size enabled = Yes
Buffer pool ID currently in use = 1
Buffer pool ID next startup = 1
Using automatic storage = No
Auto-resize enabled = No
File system caching = No
Tablespace State = 0x'00000000'
Detailed explanation:
Tablespace Prefetch size (pages) = 32
Total number of pages = 5242880
Number of usable pages = 5242848
Number of used pages = 845280
Number of pending free pages = 44640
Number of free pages = 4352928
High water mark (pages) = 1122432

可以看出使用快照查看时表空间并没有变化,还是4352928 pages

下面使用list tablespaces show detail查看表空间容量:
Tablespace ID = 2
Name = ABC_TBSP1
Type = Database managed space
Contents = All permanent data. Large table space.
State = 0x0000
Detailed explanation:
Total pages = 5242880
Useable pages = 5242848
Used pages = 845280
Free pages = 4397568
High water mark (pages) = 1122432
Page size (bytes) = 4096
Extent size (pages) = 32
Prefetch size (pages) = 32
Number of containers = 1

使用list tablespaces show detail查看得到的free pages为:4397568 pages,相对于之前的4352928 pages 增加了 44640 pages。 而我们删除的表为29137 pages。这里反倒多15503 pages,为何会多出这些页了等我有更多知识的时候再去测试。但我们可以知道执行list tablespaces show detail后确实释放了空间。这是为什么了,信息中心给了我们答案:

When the LIST TABLESPACES SHOW DETAIL command is issued, it will attempt to free all pending free extents in the table space. If the pending free extents are freed successfully, a record will be logged.

信息中心的解释高速我们一个很重要的信息是,当我们删除表时原先使用的extent不是立即释放的,而是变成pending free extent,这时再执行list tablespaces show detail时会将这个状态的extent进行释放。

这里还有一个疑点是pending free 状态的extent会被重新使用吗?这个问题我们以后还有机会再进行测试。
这次测试说明一个问题,get snapshot for tablespaces查看到的空间不一定准确,如果希望获得准确的free pages需要使用list tablespaces show detail,注意这里必须是show detail。话说IBM还蛮会设计奇怪的东西的,这list命名看了像在查询数据的这里反倒还有处理数据的功能,让人很容易误解啊。

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